Anushka Sen, the stunning actress and sensational social media influencer, never misses a chance to make a buzz on the internet with her regular dump. The Gen-Z actress keeps her fans hooked with her fun-filled posts featuring her vacations or glimpses of events. We know we are in for a treat whenever she drops new photos on her social media. And this day, the actress shows her obsession with mirror selfies.
Enjoying weekend vibes today, Anushka dropped some super cool photos on her Instagram handle. The series of photos features the actress in a beige printed casual top paired with grey joggers. She styled her hair in beautiful curls that looked amazing. Flaunting her quirky smile in her cabinet, the actress took many mirror selfies.
In one of the photos, she blinked her eyes, teasing her fans. From edge clicks to quirky smiles, the set of photos is a treat to the eyes. It’s always fun to see Anushka, with her vibrant and positive energy, ruling over people’s hearts. Sharing the photos, she dropped an emoji of a camera in her caption, which hints that she is busy shooting this weekend. However, we appreciate the actress treating the gram with cheerful energy through her photos and making the weekend more fun.
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