The Baal Veer actress Anushka Sen took to her Instagram stories to share a series of pictures from her shooting sets. Sharing some candid moments in the series, the actress added pictures of her yum scrumptious breakfast too. Scroll down beneath to check on what she likes to have for her breakfast.

Anushka is an avid social media user. She has earned over 39 million followers on her gram. All thanks to her everyday posts and pictures. Here take a sneak peek into her breakfast regime.

Anushka Sen fitness

Anushka Sen is a hardcore fitness freak. The actress follows a strict regime every day. The actress not only hits the gym regularly but also does other rejuvenating forms of exercises everyday. Starting from Pilates to Yoga and more, Anushka Sen works hard to keep herself in shape and fit. What’s more, she also makes sure that she eats healthy everyday.

Anushka Sen shares breakfast routine

The actress took to her Instagram stories to share candid pictures before her shooting schedule. The actress can be seen enjoying a morning fruit platter followed by a wholesome meal that has got protein, carbs and ‘yum’ all in all.

Check out –

A sneak peek into Anushka Sen’s breakfast regime 802371

Breakfast is the most crucial meal of the day

According to research, eating breakfast regularly can improve cognitive function, aid in weight management, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. The study also suggests that skipping breakfast can have negative effects on overall health and well-being. As such, experts recommend that individuals prioritize breakfast as part of their daily routine to reap the benefits of this essential meal.