Baal Veer sensation, Anushka Sen, set the fashion scene ablaze with her recent visit to the newly launched Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre. The diva unleashed her inner quirkiness in a preppy fashion avatar that had everyone swooning. Rocking a trendy white crop top with just the right amount of sass, she paired it effortlessly with denim jeans and a stylish satin coat that screamed “I am fashion, hear me roar!”

Accessories ace it all!

But wait, the fashion extravaganza didn’t stop there! Anushka took the chicness up a notch with a beige stylish hat, adding that extra oomph to her ensemble. A cross bag hung gracefully on her shoulder, making her look like the fashion-forward queen she is. Talk about carrying her style with confidence!

Check out here-

Anushka Sen hits with quirk as she visits Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre, see pics 838283

Anushka Sen hits with quirk as she visits Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre, see pics 838284

Anushka Sen hits with quirk as she visits Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre, see pics 838285

Anushka Sen hits with quirk as she visits Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre, see pics 838286

And let’s not forget about that makeup game – minimal makeover for the win! Anushka knew just how to enhance her natural beauty without going overboard, leaving everyone in awe of her radiant charm.

As she explored the cultural centre with grace and poise, Anushka Sen left a trail of fashion inspiration behind her. With her quirky fashion choices and gorgeous smile, she proves that you can rock any style with confidence and a touch of pizzazz. Anushka is a true style icon who continues to captivate hearts both on and off the screen. We can’t wait to see what other fashion surprises she has in store for us!

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