Anushka Sen is all in awe of her love for her adorable best friend. The actress earlier too has shared her love for her pawbuddy sharing candid pictures, and here again she has dropped some adorable moments she shared with her doggo on social media. The actress shared a photodump recently on her social media handle, leaving entire internet melted in awe.
Sharing the adorable photodump on her social media handle, and wrote, “Valentine’s celebration with Cindra!! Made some adorable new friends!
Celebrating the most pure and unconditional love with our pets
@radiocityindia #pyaarkiduum”
Here take a look at the pictures-
View Instagram Post 1: Anushka Sen introduces her 'Valentine' for the year, check out
The actress went on to share pictures from a cafe that is pet friendly. She can be seen in a stylish casual white top. She teamed it with denim jeans. The actress completed the look with classy shades, sleek ponytail and a pair of gorgeous earrings. She can be petting her cute doggo in all the pictures.
On the work front, Sen has worked in countless tv shows to date. One of her most prominent work has been in the show Baal Veer. The actress worked as a child actor in the show. Later to that she worked in other tv shows too and OTT series. As of late, she made entire country proud as she bagged two back to back K-Dramas. She was recently in Seoul, South Korea.
How much do you love your pets? Do they mean the world to you like it is to Anushka? Let us know in the comments below and for more such updates stay tuned to