Anushka Sen, the leading television actress has now put up her swag on edge again. The Baal Veer actress being an avid social media user shared a set of pictures on her IG handle as she poses with an expensive classy Ducati bike. Keeping it dope and the coolest as a modern-age biker girl, Sen held up nothing but goals for Gen Z once again.

Fashion hits differently when it comes to Gen Z! And Sen solves the riddle for the ones who are keen to take on some inspiration from the same. And now serving as the hot biker girl, Sen left her fans all astounded once again by her beauty. However, this isn’t the first time Anushka held it up to with her fashion. Whether ethnic or western, Sen knows the best. Her chicest style features have and grand sartorial choices have always been the youngsters’ go-to fashion ideals.

In the pictures, that Sen shared on her gram we can see her wearing a sheer multi-coloured textured long jacket. She topped it on a sheer black co-ord. The actress completed the look with open long hair, dewy soft bold eye makeup and classic red lips. The actress accentuated it with a pair of black boots for the look.

Sharing the pictures, Anushka Sen wrote, “Biker girl ?❤️‍? #Asia #comingsoon #movie”

Here take a look-

View Instagram Post 1: Anushka Sen is badass 'biker girl', see stunning swag moments

Soon after she shared the pictures on her gram, her fans came in rushing with praises and compliments.

One wrote, “Ducati Baby”

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Another wrote, “Beauty on Riding”

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