Anushka Sen is all set to ring on her birthday with style and statement. The young beauty recently treated her fans with a set of pictures on her social media handle. The diva turned chic and stunning in her late jumpsuit avatar. Let’s check it out.
Anushka Sen Blue-ming
Yesterday, the actress with her family flew from Dubai to a new destination for her 21st birthday. Her plane landed in New York City. Decked in a blue jumpsuit, the actress enjoyed the beauty of the city. Anushka wore a strapless royal blue satin jumpsuit which she styled with her gold chain, sleek high ponytail, and a watch. Her vibrant sling bag added to her aesthetic look.
She wore the ensemble from Fashion Nove, and a pair of white sneakers added comfort to her style. Anushka Sen is an inspiration for many when it comes to slaying casual couture. Her preppy style and statement look has always amazed her fans. She called herself a New York Baby in the caption of her post. She posed on the city streets with all the light and colors.
Anushka Sen will celebrate her birthday tomorrow, 4th August. Fans are eager to witness her birthday bash pictures. It will be a treat for her fans. The diva never fails to impress and meet the expectations of her viewers and followers.
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