Anushka Sen, the Baal Veer actress is setting new goals with her fashion decks. The actress is a stunner when it comes to fashion, and here again, the diva has stunned us all with her fashion grandeur recently on social media. The actress took to her Instagram handle to share a set of pictures on her social media handle, where we can see her all prepped up in a stylish lilac outfit. Check out below-
Anushka Sen’s gorgeous look in lilac bodycon dress
The gorgeous television actress took to her Instagram handle to share a set of pictures. The actress looked absolutely stunning in her sheer off-shoulder lilac bodycon dress. The diva completed the look with her sleek pulled back ponytail. The diva decked it up with minimal eye makeup look, pink minimal lips and a pair of stylish stilettos. Sharing the stylefile, she wrote, “salsa dancin in my head ??♀️”
Here take a look-
Anushka Sen’s Work Front
Anushka made her debut on television with the show “Yahaan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli” in 2009, where she played the role of the younger version of the lead character. She then went on to star in several popular shows such as “Baal Veer” and “Devon Ke Dev…Mahadev,” where she played significant roles.
In 2018, Anushka got her big break when she got featured in the lead role of Manikarnika in the historical drama “Jhansi Ki Rani.” Her skills in the show was widely adored, and she received a lot of appreciation for her portrayal of the warrior queen.