Anushka Sen is all set for new project. The Baal Veer actress recently shared a candid picture on her social media handle, from the makeup room, as she heads off with her new project shooting. What’s more, Sen stole the moment with her sultry looks in the picture, keeping it candid and minimal, Anushka enticed her fans.
Anushka Sen shares candid moment on Instagram
Anushka Sen took to her Instagram handle to share a candid picture from her makeup room. The actress can be seen wearing a stylish black tank top. She teamed it with black jeans. She left her long beautiful tresses wavy open with gorgeous wet curls. For makeup, the actress decked it up with beautiful dewy eyes, filled-in eyebrows and nude lips. She clicked a mirror selfie and added an emoji of video camera in the caption.
Here take a look-
Work Front
Starting her career as a child artist, Anushka’s claim to fame was her role as Meher in the hit TV show “Baal Veer”. She has also been a part of other popular shows like “Devon Ke Dev…Mahadev”, “Internet Wala Love”, and “Jhansi Ki Rani”. And let’s not forget her appearances in movies such as “Crazy Cukkad Family” and “Lihaaf”.
Anushka has also made a significant impact as a social media influencer, captivating audiences with engaging content on platforms like Instagram, and YouTube. With millions of followers, she uses her platforms to share her daily life, fashion and beauty tips, and work updates. She now owns 39.2 million followers on her Instagram.