Anushka Sen celebrated her 21st birthday on 4th August 2023. This year the diva ditched the traditional way of celebrating with a grand party and celebrities, but she chose to spend her special with the two special people in her life, who are her parents. Today the actress dropped pictures from a special dinner date.

Anushka Sen’s Special Dinner Date

In the images, Anushka looks chic in a white and black plunging neckline crop top with charcoal ripped denim. Her winged eyeliner, bold red lips, and open hairstyle rounded her casual yet attractive look. She looks perfect in the Gen-Z style. A pair of white sneakers added to her cool vibes.

Anushka had fun on her birthday with her family. She posed for pictures in a lavish restaurant in New York City. Her birthday was special with simple and comfortable things. She spends her birthday walking on the streets of the city and enjoying her day with her parents.

In her birthday post, she wrote, “spending my birthday walking on the streets of New York, with my 2 favourite people in the world; my mum and dad, eating different cuisines, exploring places, and simply enjoying life! Thanks for all the love and wishes, here’s to another amazing year full of joy and surprises.”

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The actress shared pictures from her birthday week in New
York with her family. And her birthday pictures went viral on the internet in no time.

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