The sensational queen of the Indian entertainment world, Anushka Sen, always impresses with her stints. However, the active social media user known for her statement style recently made a head-turning moment in a breathtaking visual wearing a black and white dress that makes hearts race faster. Let’s have a closer look at her glam in the article below.
Anushka Sen Stunning Look
Wow, wow, and how! Anushka Sen knows how to mesmerize fans with her fashion choices, and the latest one is no exception. This time, the diva wore a black and white dress that looked like an absolute show stealer. The low plunge-neck pattern with thin slip details accentuates her bold and beautiful avatar. The white details around the black ensemble look stunning. The Balveer actress looks nothing short of a sass queen in this glam.
That’s not all! Anushka opts for beach waves and a dense curly hairstyle that looks breezy with her glam. The small diamond stud earrings adorn her super stylish avatar. With shiny cheeks, black winged eyeliner, and pink lips, she gives her glam like a queen. The smokey eyes shadow grabs our attention. In the photos, the actress makes fans go swooning over her charm.
As she poses in the pictures, Anushka unveils her inner beauty through striking close-up shots that emphasize her sizzling avatar, making fans’ hearts race.
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