Anushka Sen, the popular Indian tv actress has been taking the television by storm. The actress shot to fame with her work in the show Baal Veer. However, Anushka started her acting journey at a young age and has since become a household name for her memorable roles in popular TV shows like “Baal Veer,” “Devon Ke Dev…Mahadev,” and “Jhansi Ki Rani.”

With time, Anushka managed to earn immense love and adoration from the netizens all across the country. Given her spectacular sense of vogue, inspiring posts and shining career, Sen has truly been the inspiration to all. She now owns a whopping number of fan following on Instagram.

As of now she stunned her admirers with her stunning look in black co-Ords. Check below-

Anushka Sen shares photodump

Anushka Sen took to her Instagram handle to share a photodump. In the pictures, we can see her wearing casual adorns in black. She wore a stylish black tube top. She completed the look with high-waist black pants. The actress rounded it off with her wavy long hair. Her black shades looked perfect as she basked under the summer sun.

Going all like a boss and queen in the candid pictures, the actress gave pure fashion goals to rock during the summers. Sharing the pictures, she wrote, “just like magic”

Here take a look-

Anushka Sen masters magic trick, check plot twist 799475

Anushka Sen masters magic trick, check plot twist 799476

Anushka Sen masters magic trick, check plot twist 799477

Anushka Sen masters magic trick, check plot twist 799478

Anushka Sen masters magic trick, check plot twist 799479

Anushka Sen masters magic trick, check plot twist 799480

Anushka Sen masters magic trick, check plot twist 799481

Anushka Sen masters magic trick, check plot twist 799482

Anushka Sen masters magic trick, check plot twist 799483

Anushka Sen’s fashion has always been a classic one to look up to. She holds a strong sense of fashion, and has time and again been a stunner with her stylefiles. Owing to that, these stunning casual looks aren’t any different.