Anushka Sen, the epitome of summer style, turned up the heat by taking her fashion game to a whole new level. In a stunning ensemble, she donned a plunging neck floral bralette paired with trendy biker shorts. The bralette itself was a masterpiece, adorned with textured rose flowers that added a touch of elegance.
Anushka Sen’s style for the look
Anushka effortlessly tied her look together with a sleek pulled-back braided hairstyle, complemented by a pair of stylish black sunglasses and captivating bold red lips. Her choice of accessories was nothing short of perfection, as she flawlessly adorned herself with a chic sling cross bag, a delicate blue butterfly pendant neckpiece, and a pair of elegant ear studs. With every element meticulously curated, Anushka Sen radiated confidence and charm, showcasing her impeccable sense of style and capturing the essence of summer funk.
Check out the pictures below-
What’s more to add on to the funk factor more, she rounded it off with a sheer rundown of accessories in pearls and beads. Posing with all boss vibes in the pictures, the diva gave off nothing but goals.
Anushka Sen’s fashion and style serve as an inspiration to many, as she embraces individuality and celebrates self-expression through her outfits. The actress therefore continues to bring in more style quotient and goals aboard.