Anushka Sen, the Baal Veer actress has put up a stunning photodump on social media. The actress is an avid social media user, and owns a huge fanbase on her Instagram handle. Owing that, Sen has now got her fans amazed with her stylish stapled look in black. As she headed out for a cosy drive in the evening, Sen looked absolutely ravishing in her bold black bodycon dress.
In the pictures, that Anushka shared on her Instagram, we can see her wearing a beautiful black bodycon dress. She completed the look with mid-parted wavy hair. For accessories, she decked it up with black shades and a sling green bag. Posing with swag inside her dope expensive car, the actress served rampant fashion goals in the pictures.
Sharing the series, she wrote, “sun kissed” take a look at the pictures beneath:
On the work front, Anushka Sen shot to notoriety with the show Baal Veer. She portrayed as a pioneering character in the show. Later, she worked in other popular daily soaps that garnered her own fanbase across the country. Anushka has gotten featured in OTT series also. Her latest tv stint was in the show Khatron Ke Khiladi. Apart from these, Anushka has also worked in countless music videos to date.
What’s more, Sen has been nurturing her career timeline on a global ground too. She bagged back-to-back two Korean dramas so far. She was earlier in Seoul, South Korea for the same.
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