Ashi Singh, the Meet actress has shared an exclusive video from Zee Rishtey Awards on her Instagram handle. The actress could be spotted in her Meet (character) get up in the video, while she pokes fun with her industry friend, Aman Gandhi.

In the video, that Singh shared on her gram, we could hear the actress calling out Aman and saying that she would give anyone 2lacs if the concerned fulfil her wishes, to this an excited Aman Gandhi urges to know her wishes.

To that, Ashi Singh demands 2lacs leaving Aman all duped. Sharing the video she wrote, “Itna accha offer toh hai”

Take a look-

View Instagram Post 1: Ashi Singh takes up new beginnings in life, Siddharth Nigam says ‘think

On the other hand, Siddharth Nigam shared a classy look on his gram, wearing a blue transparent shirt. He teamed it up with matching blue pants and a wet casual hairdo.

Sharing the pictures, he wrote, “think happy thoughts”