Glorifying obesity without addressing the potential health risks can send mixed messages: Mukti Mohan

Mukti Mohan the talented actress acknowledges the fact that it is important to promote body diversity but equally important to advocate for a lifestyle that supports health and vitality. Read her thoughts here.

Glorifying obesity without addressing the potential health risks can send mixed messages: Mukti Mohan 922381

Thanks to social media, the conversation around body positivity and inclusivity began. At the same time, there is an emphasis on healthy lifestyle choices that are gaining prominence today, and it is being said that the body positivity movement and self-acceptance have become a shield for leading an unhealthy lifestyle. Mukti Mohan, who has been part of the projects Life Hill Gayi, Gyaarah Gyaarah, and Thar and was recently seen in A Wedding Story, says it’s a nuanced conversation.

She said, “On one hand, it’s empowering to see diverse body types represented in media, as it challenges the traditional beauty standards that have long dominated our culture. But, on the other hand, I worry that glorifying obesity without addressing the potential health risks can send mixed messages.”

“It’s important to promote body diversity, but we must also advocate for a lifestyle that supports health and vitality.  Ultimately, I believe that we can celebrate every body type while still encouraging everyone to pursue a lifestyle that promotes wellness and happiness,” she added.

However, Mukti stressed that body positivity is an important movement that she deeply respects and supports. “As a dancer and actress, my body is my instrument—it allows me to express myself, tell stories, and connect with audiences. I have learned to embrace body positivity deeply, celebrating every curve, every scar, and every imperfection,” she said.

Sharing her personal experiences, she further said, “There are days when I look in the mirror and feel proud of who I am, knowing my worth isn’t tied to a specific size or look. But there are also days when I know I need to make better choices for my health, not because I want to change my appearance, but because I want to feel my best, to have the energy, the strength, and the resilience to do what I love.”

Mukti believes that accepting yourself and striving for better health are two sides of the same coin. “When I choose to work out, it’s not because I hate my body—it’s because I love it enough to want to take care of it. I do follow a balanced diet because I want to fuel my body with the nutrients it needs to keep up with the demands of my work. This doesn’t mean I am not proud of who I am or that I am adhering to unrealistic beauty standards,” she ended.

About The Author
Srividya Rajesh: Srividya Rajesh, Co Founder & Associate Editor at IWMBuzz, sleeps, eats and drinks news. With cheetah like pace and a Herculean heart, Srividya (called Sri lovingly by friends and fraternity) is undoubedtly the queen of breaking news and latest updates in the Indian television industry. Operating from Chennai, Sri has her eyes and ears on movements in Mumbai. Fearless and fierce, Sri is a revered figure in the industry. Team leader, motivator and a go getter, Sri is the pillar in the editorial foundation at IWMBuzz and is responsible for smooth functioning of the news pipeline.