Anushka Sen celebrates Maha Shivaratri turning Yogini. The actress took to her social media handle to share a set of pictures straight from the comfort of her home, where we can spot her meditating under a painting of Shiva. The actress looked stunning in her ethnic attire, keeping the spiritual vibe of the Shivaratri magic on peak.

In the pictures, we can see Anushka Sen wearing a beautiful floral embellished salwar suit. The actress teamed it up with her long, gorgeous hair. She completed the look keeping her eyes minimal, lips pink and plump. The actress completed the look with a pair of oxidised drop earrings, while she meditates in utmost serenity and calm on her couch. The beautiful painting on the wall of Shiva and Parvati adds on the magic.

Sharing the pictures, Sen wrote, “Har Har Mahadev” in the caption.

Here take a look at the pictures-

Har Har Mahadev: Anushka Sen turns Yogini, see pics 774245

Har Har Mahadev: Anushka Sen turns Yogini, see pics 774246

Har Har Mahadev: Anushka Sen turns Yogini, see pics 774248

Har Har Mahadev: Anushka Sen turns Yogini, see pics 774249

Har Har Mahadev: Anushka Sen turns Yogini, see pics 774250

On the work front, Anushka Sen is one of the leading tv stars. Known for her amazing work on the screen, as a child actor, Sen has come a long way. One of her most prominent work was Baal Veer. Later to that, she got featured in several other tv shows. She also bagged pivotal roles in OTT series. The actress recently was in Seoul, South Korea, for she earned two back-to-back roles in K-Dramas. Apart from these, the actress has also been featured in music videos too.

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