Handsome hunk Ajesh Krishnavilasom, who is commonly known as Ajeesh Krishna, is a social media influencer. He is famous for his lyrical dancing videos. The star got in a candid chat for our fun rapid-fire segment and gave some amazing answers. Read here:

Describe yourself in 3 words:

Dance, music, and peace

Are you a tattoo person?

I love tattoos and want a lot of tattoos on my body

If you could be from any other era what would it be

The early 80s because it was the era of Michael Jackson

If you had one superpower what would it be?

Time traveller

Would you date a fan?


Do you sing in the shower?


Any wild dream you have seen

Once I dreamt that a police inspector arrested me

Your biggest or weirdest fear


Your dream destination


Your favourite past time

Playing games