Need a weekend dose of comedy? Watch Kanan Gill: Keep It Real on Amazon Prime

'Keep It Real’ by Kanan Gill may not create a radical shift in how Indian audiences might have perceived stand-up in India. It is a one-hour comedy special by the comedian.

Need a weekend dose of comedy? Watch Kanan Gill: Keep It Real on Amazon Prime 1

He sidelong at a variety of topics in this comic strip that ranges from topics from the constitution of India to difficulty in talking to today’s parents. The first few minutes of this comedy episode are well spent in discussing familiar setups for quick jokes on parents, engineering, technology, quirky advice from mothers to her hostler kid, and Indian parenting. Gill has offered a unique storyline and insight in each aspect to create funny moments that keep viewers interested and engaged.

This is out and out funny and real original comedy by Kanan where he takes some of the routine events and casual aspects of the life into considerations to mock them and evoke laughter of the audiences.

His comedy has been flavored with adorable humor.

He has been one of the best comedians in India and his jokes are very relatable which would be happening to anyone of the audiences anytime in real life. What puts him at the different thresholds from his fellow comedians is that his stories are very believable and his delivery timings are so perfect that every joke fits into the story as if it has been the part of the storyline.

He keeps it real figuring out how kids need to talk to parents, deal with love, issues of mosquitoes, matters of masculinity and anything else which is not too serious and neither too silly to talk about.

There are no raunchy jokes in the show. But a very subtle and relatable comedy that keeps the audiences awaked and hooked can be seen in this comedy show.