The dynamic duo, Avneet Kaur and Siddharth Nigam have gained a special place in our hearts ever since they first appeared on screen. There is something so undeniably charming about them together that we just can’t help but aww at them.
Their camaraderie and chemistry are a rage and they make for a stunning on-screen pair. Both these talented stars have become the best of friends. They are the perfect Jodi that has already won millions of hearts.
However, Avneet is cheating on Siddharth.
Are you shocked by the news?
Well, the real story is that Avneet shared a fun TikTok video wherein she was along Siddharth and she gets a call. The girl goes to the corner and whisper I love you on the phone. Soon, Siddharth learns about the same and throws the phone and leaves Avneet. Bewafa Bewafa song starts playing in the background.
Watch the video here
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