Popular social media stars Anushka Sen and Jannat Zubair are now posting killer haute couture looks on social media. The stars are avid social media users, and their vogue quotient has consistently astounded us based on their Instagram photos.
Speaking of fashion, that isn’t the only thing the two have in common. Few people are aware that Anushka Sen and Jannat Zubair are the closest of friends in the industry. Having said that, the two have shared some adorable ‘pout’ moments on Instagram.
In the pictures, we can spot Jannat Zubair in a beautiful all-black jumpsuit, that she teamed with classic black shades. She decked it off with sleek casual ponytail, a side bag and black shades. On the other hand, Anushka Sen can be seen in a classy striped crop top teamed with white high waist trousers.
Sharing the cute pictures, Jannat Zubair wrote, “Cute pictures. Crazy times. Sisters at ? Partners in crime.”