Actor Riya Deepsi, who is presently seen in Versatile Motion Pictures’ Swipe Crime, which streams on Amazon MX Player, feels that the series is very appropriate for the current time. She said, “I was impressed with the name. Not just me, but everyone I told about the series instantly caught the theme of the show. Swipe Crime is a relevant story because we are all living in the circle of dating apps and social media.”

“Personally, I don’t have any experience with dating apps, but I have heard a lot of stories. Some are like fairy tales, while others are horror stories. It’s already hard to find someone you can completely trust in real life, and on social media, you don’t even know the person personally,” she added.

Though she has not fallen prey to any of the dating apps herself, she said, “What I have heard is that people are very different from what they portray in pictures. Or, everyone wants and asks for your photos even before meeting, which I think is kind of weird.”

She also stressed that people will relate to the content and storyline of the show. She added, “I think some of them might have even experienced the situations depicted in the show.”

Asked how social media has influenced her life, she said, “Honestly, there’s no definite answer to this, but I can share my experiences. Yes, social media has affected my life. When it comes to my personal life, there are times I feel like deleting my account and stepping away from it all. will admit, I am one of those people who can scroll endlessly for 2 hours straight—it’s exciting, but there’s always guilt afterwards.”

“On the other hand, it’s amazing for my professional life, and that’s the main reason I don’t delete my account. It helps me connect with my audience, and I always look forward to sharing good news with them. Jo genuine 10-12 log mujhe pyaar karte hain, bless karte hain, unhi ke liye hoon main,” she ended.