Urfi Javed is renowned for her eccentric, occasionally strange fashion updos. The actress frequently posts images of her fashion finds on social media, engaging followers in conversation, who frequently have conflicting opinions of the star and frequently wind up being mocked.
Now that being said, Urfi Javed was recently spotted at the Mumbai airport wearing a casual white tee that has got unusual yet bold message saying ‘Slut…name given by trollers” The actress was seen wearing it with a pink blazer, black pants and black shades. Pictures and videos went viral on the internet. However, speaking of the t-shirt, it’s definitely a bold hit back at the trolls, taken by Javed.
Here take a look-
On the work front, Urfi Javed shot to fame with her stint in Bigg Boss. She has also worked in some tv shows to date. However, as of now, she is referred to as an influencer on Instagram, and often leads to headlines for her bizarre fashion catches every now and then.