The Zoom Studios, the original content arm of Zoom, and Myntra, the ultimate destination of fashion and lifestyle, have collaborated to create a first-of-its-kind, digital first, fashion influencer hunt aptly titled Myntra Fashion Superstar. Judged by the golden girl & superstar Sonakshi Sinha; the show is aimed at finding India’s most sought-after fashion influencer. The show is slated to go live in September 2019 across The Zoom Studios and Myntra’s social platforms giving it an unprecedented reach and viewer base.

 You will be judging a fashion digital reality show. What propelled you to take the decision?

If anything is a true representation of one’s personality – it’s fashion! I have always been drawn towards it because there is something exciting happening in this space all the time. Personally, I have always been drawn to it and that’s why partnering with The Zoom Studios and Myntra Fashion Superstar was an immediate yes for me. While fashion is such an integral part of our lives, we haven’t had any show so far dedicated purely to it. I have always strived to do something different and new, and I jumped on the opportunity to judge India’s first ever hunt for the biggest fashion influencer. Through the show we want people to be inspired to embrace fashion and not be intimated by it.

As a judge, on what parameters will you assess the participants?

I’ll be looking for fashionable men and women who create and own their own styles and not just replicate stuff off the runaway. Confidence is another parameter that would be high on my judgement radar because I believe good fashion stems from great confidence. Influencers who are fun and vivacious are a big personal tick for me because that reflect massively on your style. I’ll also be looking for breakthrough styles put together…something that one hasn’t encountered before. So basically surprise me, make me smile, leave me in awe, make me gawk at you and your indomitable/ unique style and most importantly be true to yourself…and you have my vote!!

You started your career as a costume designer, and now coming to judge a show about fashion and all. How do you look back at the whole journey?

Like I said I have always been attracted to fashion. It intrigues and excites me at the same time. From being a fashion graduate to a judge on Myntra Fashion Superstar it’s been a journey of constant evolution and constant learning.

How has your fashion sense evolved with time? Are you conscious about the fashion critics while picking your outfits?

Comfort first has always been my style mantra. I have always been open to experimenting because unless you do, you don’t learn. I’ve made mistakes but what’s a journey without any misses.

Fashion policing doesn’t bother me. Everyone has an opinion and they will say regardless of anything you do. So, I ignore them because I go with something that I am confident and comfortable in, everything else is not important.

Right now, all my energy is focused towards the show and I am excited to embrace Myntra Fashion Superstar as part of my fashion journey and teach (and learn) some new fashion tricks along the way.

If you have to give the title of Fashion Superstar who would you give it to, and why?

Ranveer Singh is a fashion icon because he is a complete chameleon and he is not afraid to take risks and has a strong personality. He might not dress up in a conventional way but can carry off absolutely anything!