On Thursday, 30 January, Korean supermodel Irene Kim took to her social media handle, Instagram, and shared a photo announcing her marriage. In the black-and-white photo, Irene is seen blushing as she holds her man’s hand, hiding him from the camera. Sharing the post on her story, the model said, “Found my forever, and yes, he is GOOD.”

However, Irene expressed her feelings in the caption, saying, “Today, I am opening my heart to share a moment that has forever changed my life.”

The supermodel highlighted that she has been keeping this part of her life safe until it’s official, “I have been treasuring this beautiful chapter of my life with my family & loved ones. While I’ve always loved sharing most of my life and journey with you, this was a piece of my heart I wanted to keep close, until now.”

Further, Irene emphasized, “This isn’t just a story about a ring or a question; it’s about a love that has grown through precious little moments that have built the foundation of something so special. I feel so blessed to have met the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

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Lastly, Irene expressed her excitement: “I can’t wait to share more with you in a way that aligns with my comfort and happiness. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for always supporting me and for celebrating this special era of love with me. Pinch me…I’m getting married!!!”

However, throughout the caption she didn’t reveal anything about the mystery man but as per Irene’s agency Saram Entertainment, the model’s fiancee is a non-celebrity businessman. And she is likely to get married on 23 May.

Irene Kim was born in Seattle. She is a Korean-American model who has carved her niche in modelling in South Korea and America. She has also appeared in shows like Shooting Stars, Ask Us Anything, Running Man, and others.