Asha Negi is all set to take on a thrilling new role as a photographer in the upcoming web series Honeymoon Photographer. In this dark comedy-thriller, Asha steps into a character quite different from her previous roles in Abhay and Baarish. Speaking about what drew her to the project, Asha shares how the unique combination of suspense and comedy made it irresistible.

Says Asha, “When I heard the story of Honeymoon Photographer, I found it very intriguing, with a lot of suspense and thrill, and a gist of comedy in it. I was not only drawn towards my character but how each character was written. Eventually, we had a lot of fun doing it. I always look for characters that are different from the ones that I have done before and this one is different from what I have done before.”

For her, the most rewarding part was not only the physical transformation but also the challenge of balancing the contrasting elements within the story. “The most rewarding part was becoming fitter for this part because I hadn’t done any such character before and it demanded me to become fitter. But other than that, I balanced between the dark comedy, the thriller, and the honeymoon. It did challenge me as an actor and that’s what I look for in every character that I play,” says Asha.

Fans are eager to see her step into this refreshing and challenging role in the series Honeymoon Photographer, where her hard work and dedication to the character will surely shine. With the release just around the corner, Asha Negi’s fans are looking forward to seeing her in this exciting new role. Honeymoon Photographer starts streaming on Jio Cinema on September 27.