Anushka Sen, the popular Baal Veer actress has been the quintessential influencer that every youngster looks up to. The actress has a massive fan following on her Instagram handle. She currently owns over 39 million on Instagram. All thanks to her super relevant and engaging posts. Sen keeps her fans hooked with her everyday candid posts. Sometimes her travel diaries, sometimes her fashion folios, all together make her inspiring to youngsters.

As of now, the actress is busy with her ongoing project. Earlier she shared pictures from the shooting sets. And now she shared a moment from her cosy time, after a packup.

Anushka Sen after packup

The actress took to her Instagram stories on a Thursday morning. We can see the actress wearing a casual black t-shirt. She teamed the look with nerdy shades. Her makeup looked on point as she teamed it up with minimal makeup. Her hair looked on point, as she left them open on her shoulders. She can be seen all cosy under her blanket.

Sharing the picture, she wrote, “After packup scenes” along with ‘CIAO’ filter, which is a popular one on Instagram.

Here take a look-

This is what Baal Veer fame Anushka Sen does after a packup 799363

Work Front

Anushka Sen became popular with the show Baal Veer. Her work as a child actress in the show earned immense love from the netizens. However, later to that, she went on to work in several other hit television shows that marked her efficiency as an actress. What’s more, the actress also bagged two K-dramas. She also got featured in music videos.