Akshay Oberoi started his acting career with theatre under the guidance of the veteran Makrand Deshpande in Prithvi Theatre and ever since the time his journey took off, there was no looking back for this young and talented actor. Credible performances in movies like Gurgaon, Laal Rang, Junglee paved the way further for him in web series like Hum, Tum and Them and many more. The last few months have been phenomenal on the OTT platform for Akshay Oberoi with shows like It’s Not That Simple, Bar Code, Flesh, Selection Day and he is all set to come back strongly with his upcoming web show called High (MX Player) which is about drug abuse and drug addiction. When Akshay was asked about the relevance of High in today’s time and whether the release time is planned or not, he said and we quote,

“Well, when we made High, we never really thought the release would be happening at a time when they would be so much focus and limelight on the issue of drugs and that too in the entertainment industry. The timing of High’s release and whatever that is happening with drugs in Bollywood is purely a coincidence. And to be honest, we don’t feel the relevance of the matter will play any additional role in the fate of the show. It is something which has been made with a lot of hard work and some brilliant direction and writing is involved here. I can assure that once someone sees the first episode, he or she will be hooked continuously till it gets over.”

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