Anushka Sen, the young and talented actress, recently caught the attention of the paparazzi as she graced the streets of Mumbai with her radiant presence. Sporting a front slit beige long gown, she exuded elegance and grace. With her effortless style, Anushka effortlessly turned heads as she paired the gown with a chic sling side bag, adding a touch of contemporary flair to her ensemble.
Keeping her makeup minimal, she allowed her natural beauty to shine through, while her sleek mid-parted hairbun added a touch of sophistication to her overall look. With a smile that could light up the city, Anushka Sen showed us all how to embrace the camera with confidence and poise.
And we are definitely getting goals from the diva, in and out!
Viral Bhayani shares the video on social media
Sharing the adorable video the television actress, Anushka wrote, “Adorable hai uski hassi!!☺️
Rising young star Anushka Sen was snapped by our team today! With a summer perfect dress on she looks absolutely gorgeous”
Here take a look at the video-
One wrote, “Ye ldki respect krne layak h yr
Apne ma baap ki akeli ldki ghr k khrch bhi khud chlaati h nicee”
Another wrote, “Queen Anushka you are looking so beautiful and very very gorgeous and you are the most breathtakingly majestic looking Diva in this whole universe”
A third user wrote, “I have watched this like i don’t remember how many times”