Siddharth Nigam, the popular tv actor has now shared a video on her social media handle followed by a romantic duet with the popular Instagram twin Surabhi Samriddhi. The duo prompted steamy steps with Surabhi performing to the song “Bana Sharabi”. Their chemistry looked all on fire in the video, as they bring up classic ‘salsa’ steps aboard.

Siddharth Nigam sharing the video wrote, “Loving the song?❤️ @vickykaushal09 @kiaraaliaadvani #banasharabi #chinkiminki #siddharthnigam #govindanaammera #reelsinstagram”

View Instagram Post 1: Watch: Siddharth Nigam melts down with Surabhi Samriddhi in romantic duet dance, Ashi Singh on fire

Ashi Singh, Siddharth Nigam’s former co-star from Aladdin dropped in fire emojis. Here take a look-

A user wrote, “Sorry sid but abhi same ladki ke saath reels acche nahi lagte kisi aur ladki ke saath bhi banao aur bhi bahut friends hai aapki accept these two chipko abhi boring ho gaya hai same same girl”

On the professional front, while it’s known all of us about Nigam’s amazing tv career, with his shows. The actor meanwhile debuted his acting career with the movie ‘Dhoom 3’. He is currently prepping for the movie Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan alongside Salman Khan. The film is set to be released the next year.