Anushka Sen, the sensational actress, often treats her fans with her new posts. And we know we are in for a treat whenever the actress shares a new post. And her latest post will leave in splits as the actress introduces her Valentine. So, let’s take a look below.
Taking to her Instagram handle, Anushka drops a series of photos showcasing her Valentine’s Day partner. And it is someone that you would have never thought of, so before you make random and bizarre guesses, let us reveal that Anushka’s Valentine is her new project, and the name for the same wasn’t revealed.
In the shared photos, Anushka can be seen posing with the huge camera, and she flaunted a bright smile on her face with a heart made with her hands. Dressed in a colorful, flowy dress, she looked gorgeous. With her bright face, one can understand the excitement she has for her new project. While in the latest photo, she dropped a glimpse of the Muhurat Pooja but hid the name of her new project. Well, it seems a surprise for her fans, and we can’t wait to know what’s brewing now.
Anushka knows how to attract attention with her new posts. Her Instagram, featuring her personal and professional life, is a treat to her fans.
So, are you guys also excited about Anushka Sen’s new project? Please drop your views in the comments box below.