The air is abuzz with a new energy, a fresh wave of entertainment that has swept the nation. Anil Kapoor, the eternal youth icon, has taken the reins of the controversial yet captivating reality show Bigg Boss OTT and transformed it into a veritable rollercoaster of emotions. The question on everyone’s lips is: What magic has he conjured to fade away the shadow of his predecessor, Salman Khan?

It’s no secret that Bigg Boss was starting to feel stale!

Salman Khan, undoubtedly, ruled the Bigg Boss roost for years. His larger-than-life persona and a certain rough-edged charm made him the quintessential host. Yet, as seasons passed, a sense of monotony crept in. While effective, the same stern lectures and the occasional bursts of anger began to feel predictable.

The audience, ever-hungry for novelty, craved a different flavour.

And then we suddenly see a bombarding shift with Anil Kapoor. With his catching enthusiasm, boyish charm, and a wit as sharp as a tack, he has injected a much-needed dose of vivacity into the show.

Kapoor is not merely ‘hosting’. He is somewhat ‘performing’.

Every interaction, every quip, every reaction is a masterclass in entertainment. He has transformed the Weekend Ka Vaar episodes into a carnival of fun peppered with moments of genuine emotion. His ability to connect with the contestants personally is palpable, making the show more relatable and engaging.

Gone are the days of the host as a distant, imposing figure. Kapoor has pulled the audience in closer. His interactions with the contestants feel genuine, almost like a big brother-little sibling dynamic. It’s this relatability that has made him a hit. He’s not afraid to laugh, to tease, or even to be vulnerable. This human touch has made the show more engaging, drawing viewers deeper into the drama.

Of course, it’s not just about personality. Kapoor brings a specific star power to the show that feels gigantic but also a part of you.’

His decades-long career, filled with iconic roles, has made him a household name. This translates into higher viewership, especially among a younger demographic. Who wouldn’t want to watch their favourite movie star dish out some reality TV drama?

The success of Bigg Boss OTT 3 definitely makes us recall that while Salman Khan was a force to reckon with, its longevity depends on its ability to evolve and adapt. Anil Kapoor has proven to be the perfect catalyst for this transformation. He has breathed new life into the format, making it more engaging, entertaining, and relatable.

As he continues to charm the audience with his “My name is Lakhan’ energy, it looks like the reign might not be over soon.


Is he the future of Bigg Boss? Only time will tell.

But one thing’s for sure: the show is definitely more “jhakaas” with him at the helm.