Bengali actress Alivia Sarkar is mourning the loss of her beloved pet dog, Evelyn, who passed away after being her loyal companion for 11 years. The actress shared a heartfelt post on social media, expressing her grief and sadness at the loss of her dear friend. She wrote, “A chapter of 11 years has ended today. I always knew we didn’t have much time, but I was unprepared for this, Evelyn. You took a part of my life with you. We have a story, and that will be our personal forever… Rest in peace, my child.”

Alivia had been preparing herself for the inevitable, as Evelyn’s health had declined over the past few days. Despite her efforts to care for her pet, Evelyn’s condition worsened, and she passed away in Alivia’s arms.

The actress has canceled all her work commitments for the day to spend time with her two other pets, who are also grieving the loss of their companion. Alivia’s pets have been a significant part of her life, and she has often shared pictures and stories about them on social media.

Alivia’s recent web series, “Ami Nandini,” has been well-received by audiences, and she has several other projects in the pipeline. However, for now, she is taking time to come to terms with her loss and be with her loved ones.

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Alivia Sarkar Mourns Loss of 11-Year Companion 910815

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The bond between Alivia and Evelyn was strong, and the actress has shared many fond memories of their time. Evelyn’s passing has left a void in Alivia’s life, and she will deeply miss her loyal companion.

Alivia’s fans and friends have offered condolences and support during this difficult time. The actress’s emotional post has touched the hearts of many, and she has been praised for her love and dedication to her pets.

In this difficult moment, Alivia finds solace in the memories she shared with Evelyn and the love and support of her fans and family.