Rookie actress Dia Singh will be part of the cast of the upcoming web series directed by Amit Vikas Patel. As we know, the Director is working on the web series titled Guiltless which is being produced by Aarvi Motion Pictures.

The shoot for the series is presently happening in Uttarakhand. The series will start with a college ambience and will turn into a murder mystery thriller. The makers are in talks with various big platforms for its streaming and will finalize things soon. The cast and crew are presently shooting the series for two seasons.

We at have been at the helm, writing exclusively about the actors on board the series. Till now, we have written about Vivan Bhathena, Mohit Duseja, and Gautam Ahuja being part of the series. If you have not read these newsbreaks, you can check it out here at one glance. Read them here.

Exclusive: Vivan Bhathena to be a part of an upcoming web series named Guiltless

Exclusive: Mohit Duseja to feature in web series Guiltless

Exclusive: Yeh Hai Mohabbatein actor Gautam Ahuja joins Vivan Bhathena in an upcoming web series titled GuiltlessĀ 

We now hear of Dia Singh playing one of the lead roles in the series.

We buzzed Dia but did not get through to her.

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