Actress Kanika Mann who was last seen on television in Colors’ Chand Jalne Laga, has begun work on her next project. She will play the leading lady in Ekta Kapoor’s costume-drama series on YouTube. Yes, we at reported exclusively about Producer Ekta Kapoor working on the launch of a new YouTube channel, wherein the plan is to make unique concepts of varied genres.
We at gave exclusive news of popular actors Harsh Rajput and Samarth Jurel likely to play the leading men in Ekta Kapoor’s first show for the YouTube channel. If you have missed reading this exclusive report, you can check it here.
Now, we have more on the cast exclusively. We hear that popular actress Kanika Mann has come on board the show for the YouTube project.
As per a reliable source, “Kanika Mann will play the female lead while Samarth and Harsh will be the leading men in the show. This show will be a costume-based fiction drama.”
Kanika who came to the limelight with her lead portrayal in the show Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega has been part of the reality show Fear Factor: Khatron Ke Khiladi and has also starred in the web project Roohaniyat. This project will turly be a new feather in her cap.
We buzzed Kanika but did not get through to her.
We reached out to Producer Ekta Kapoor but did not get revert till we filed the story.
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