Actor Ravi Mann who has been part of shows Teri Meri Doriyann, Mishri, Gehna, Anupamaa etc, has recently joined the cast of Hari Om’s mythological offering Gaumata Kamdhenu. Hari Om is the sole mythological OTT platform, catering to the audiences’ interest in rendering mythological tales of prominent epics from Hindu mythology. This is the first time a show is being made on the concept of the divine cow goddess, Kamdhenu. The show is produced by Shiv Sagar Productions.

We at earlier reported about actor Bharat Bhatia joining the cast of the show in the role of Agni Dev. You can read the story here if you have missed reading it.

Exclusive: Bharat Bhatia joins the cast of Hari Om’s new show Gaumata Kamdhenu

Now, we hear of Ravi joining the cast of Gowmata Kamdhenu in the role of Varun Dev.

We buzzed Ravi but did not get through to him.

We reached out to the spokesperson at Hari Om but did not get revert till we filed the story.

Hari Om which presents viewers with a bouquet of mythological presentations showcases an eclectic and massive line-up of more than 20 epic untold stories and many more, including, “Shri Tirupati Balaji”, “Mata Saraswati”, “Chaya Grah Rahu Ketu”, “Jai Jagannath”, “Kaikeyi Ke Ram”, “Maa Lakshmi” and “Navgrah”. During Diwali this year, Hari Om launched Jai Maha Lakshmi. We at, have constantly been writing about new shows on Hari Om titled Dev Guru Brihaspati and Shukra Grah.

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