Actor Shaan Mishra who was seen in Lovepanti, and has featured in TV shows Imlie, Sindoor Ki Keemat 2, Maati Se Bandhi Dor etc, will be seen in an upcoming web series titled Gym Trainer. We at reported exclusively about the OTT medium getting richer soon with the launch of a new platform that will have varied genres of programming. The new OTT platform Tashan already has a few shows that are on the floor at the moment.

We at reported about Tashan coming up with a crime drama series titled Gym Trainer which will be an in-house production. The series which will feature episodic stories, will feature established actors. We wrote about Manish Khanna, Dhruvee Haldankar and Deepali Saini being cast in the show. Manish Khanna was recently in the news for being in the ALTT series Dons and Darlings. Deepali Saini was recently in the news for her entry in Star Bharat show Shaitani Rasmein. Dhruvee was seen in Pyar Ke Saat Vachan Dharampatni.If you have not read it, you can check it out here.

Exclusive: Manish Khanna, Deepali Saini and Dhruvee Haldankar to feature in a web series for new OTT platform Tashan

Now, we hear of Shaan Mishra playing his part in the same series Gym Trainer.

We also hear that renowned Writer Naila Chogle who is known for her notable works in CID, Savdhaan India etc, is the Writer for the series. She has written 183 episodes of CID.

We buzzed the actor but did not get revert till we filed the same.

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