Actor Nazre Inayat who was seen in Dangal’s Palkon Ki Chaon Mein 2 is presently working on a web series, which is being produced by Laughing Buddha Entertainment. The series titled AI SPY U, is being directed by Sanjay Kandary. The series will be a thriller with a love tale. As far as we know, it is a story based on influencers’ lives and how influencers are being manipulated for commercial purposes. The story will have an aspect of artificial intelligence and how it is dangerous for today’s world. Talks are on presently with popular streaming portals for a big collaboration.
Nazre Inayat has earlier been part of the series on Disney+ Hotstar titled Human. Joining Nazre in the lead role will be Rizxtar, who is a popular social media influencer with a huge fan following. Rizxtar whose real name is Rizwan Khan, is popularly known on social media as Indian Joker. He is popular as a Video Creator, Instagram Star, YouTuber, and for his entertaining videos and Reels on social media.
We buzzed Nazre and Rizxtar, but did not get through to them.
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