The India Web Fest Season 6 witnessed a special set of individuals coming in from different facets of the entertainment space, as they came together to talk about some burning topics that shape the way the industry functions.

One such topic that was being discussed was crafting real narratives in the age of reel and shorts and to discuss the same, the panel had Ms. Uorfi Javed, internet personality and star of her reality show, Follow Kar Lo Yaar along with Fazila Allana, Managing Director, SOL Productions Pvt. Ltd. in a session that was moderated by Kunal Kothari, Senior Editor, IWMBuzz.

Here are excerpts from the conversation-

Kunal: The topic we are talking about here of course, is crafting real narratives in the age of reels and shorts. Celebrities love to connect with their fans, and the fans have a deeper connect with them as well owing to how accessible social media is. So, when it comes to Follow Kar Lo Yaar, what sparked the idea of the show?

Fazila: Actually, what sparked the idea, and all kudos to her (Uorfi’s) team, was her agency. They approached us at Collective Artist Network, saying they had an artist they thought would make a great show. They asked if we could craft a show around her, and we were very excited, especially when we heard it was her. Thus, the journey started from there.

Kunal: Uorfi, it is amazing because you have such a deep connection with everyone. People love to interact with you and they immediately feel a connection in terms of your fans and everyone watching you otherwise. What was the kind of brief that was given to you?

Uorfi: There was no brief; I just had to be myself and be 100% real, that’s it. I knew I was signing up for a reality show, so I promised myself, and I told the team as well, that we would show 100% reality—whether it’s me crying, getting angry, without makeup, with makeup—everything.

Kunal: So Fazilla, as we know social media literally puts you out there. So, how do you decide how much reality is too much reality?

Fazilla: So honestly, I wouldn’t say reality is out there—social media is out there, and what people want to project of themselves is out there. This is exactly what Urfi said. The big differentiator in Follow Kar Lo Yaar is that it’s truly a reality show on all fronts. It’s a very raw and honest documentation of those months we spent with her. It captures what happened in her life, whether it was her getting fillers, or when her tooth broke just before she had an engagement, which was really funny.

I don’t think any other artist would let you see them in the different phases—whether with makeup or without. And, of course, there’s the whole family, and the way the family interacts. I think what sets this show apart, and why people are connecting with it, is because it is very honest. It’s a real show. When we’re saying it’s reality, it truly is reality. I think that’s why people are connecting with it.

Kunal: So you know, what fascinates me is that ideally reality can be very monotonous – because it can be just another day for people out there – going out there and coming back. So how and when do you decide that what parts of this will be interesting and entertaining as opposed to the monotony?

Fazilla: The team spent a lot of time crafting the show. There was a whole year dedicated to it, during which they worked closely with Uorfi, her agency, and her family. They visited Lucknow and met with everyone involved. It was only after this thorough process that they were able to determine what elements of Uorfi’s life would make it into the show. These selected aspects were the most interesting parts of her life that people would see. A significant part of the show also focuses on her family dynamics. The two most important elements in Uorfi’s life are her work, which is definitely number one, and her family. These are the core elements the team concentrated on, and that’s what viewers will see in the show.

Kunal: Anything you’d like to add, Uorfi?

Uorfi: My reality is not monotonous. Every day, there’s some kind of drama happening in my life. I mean, I love drama—I can’t blame others for it. It’s just how my life is. I live a very chaotic life, and honestly, everyone in the industry does too. A lot of celebrities pretend to be nice in front of the camera, but they also have days where they’re shouting, yelling, or even crying. It’s a chaotic life we live, and mine just happens to be on camera.

Kunal: Uorfi, so how did you decide on what part of your life you wanted to make sure that this is completely private to me, or do you feel that in today’s day and age, privacy is just a myth?

Uorfi: Maybe my sex tape (laughs). Maybe what happens in the bedroom is private, but apart from that, I don’t really care. If I’ve signed up for a reality series, I have to give it my 100%. That being said, to each their own. If a celebrity doesn’t want to be clicked by paparazzi or prefers to keep their private life out of the spotlight, that’s also okay. But as for me, I’m making money off my private life—it sounds bizarre, very bizarre, but to me, it’s okay.

Watch the full video below-

Presented By: Havas Play

Powered by: Applause , Epic On , OTT Play

In Association with: Shemaroo

Partners: One Digital Entertainment , Kaans , White Apple

#IndiaWebFest #IWMBuzz #OTTconclave