Anjali Arora, known for her viral Kaccha Badam reel and her stint on Bigg Boss OTT, has left fans curious with a cryptic video that recently surfaced online. In the clip, Anjali is seen casually announcing that she is “getting married soon.” Holding several shopping bags, she confirms to the person recording the video that she has already begun her wedding preparations.
Adding to the mystery, Anjali turns to the camera and says, “Everyone is invited as I get married to my saiyaji.” This statement has sparked widespread speculation about whether the influencer-turned-reality TV star is genuinely planning a wedding or simply teasing an upcoming project.
Fans have been quick to share their theories. While some believe that Anjali might be tying the knot soon, others are convinced this is a promotional tactic for an upcoming music video or brand collaboration. Her playful tone and the lack of any prior announcement about a relationship have fueled the latter theory.
Anjali has not clarified the nature of her statement or addressed the speculation online. However, her social media presence often features cryptic posts and teasers that keep her followers guessing.
Whether it’s a personal milestone or a professional venture, Anjali’s video has successfully captured attention. For now, fans are left waiting for her to clear the air on whether she’s truly getting married or simply creating buzz for her next big move.