Marking his 25 year milestone, Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Netflix join hands to bring to life the filmmaker’s passion project, the magnum opus series, Heeramandi.

The show will explore stories of courtesans and the hidden cultural reality of Heeramandi, a dazzling district, during pre-independent India. It’s a series about love, betrayal, succession and politics in the kothas which promises Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s trademark larger than life sets, multi-faceted characters and soulful compositions. This piece-de-resistance will be created by the master filmmaker with an eye for detail and intense intricacies only he is capable of.

Sharing his thoughts on Heeramandi, Sanjay Leela Bhansali said, “Heeramandi is an important milestone in my journey as a filmmaker. This is an epic, first of its kind series based on the courtesans of Lahore. It is an ambitious, grand and all-encompassing series; therefore I am nervous yet excited about making it. I am looking forward to my partnership with Netflix and bringing Heeramandi to audiences all over the world.”

Monika Shergill, VP, Content, Netflix India said, “Sanjay Leela Bhansali has created a stunning brand of cinema which is uniquely his own, with emotionally charged storytelling, magnificent sets and unforgettable characters. We congratulate him on completing 25 phenomenal years and giving masterpieces for generations to cherish. We are beyond excited to bring his extraordinary creative vision to storytelling on Netflix. Heeramandi will be a story that will intrigue audiences and transport them into a world of incredible grandeur, beauty and harshness at the same time.”