Prime Video brings the comedy drama Kumari Srimathi, on September 28. Starring Nithya Menen as Srimathi, the seven-episode series also features Nirupam, Gautami, Thiruveer, Talluri Rameshwari, Naresh, and Murali Mohan in pivotal roles.
Set in a village in East Godavari, the series hilariously encapsulates the tribulations in the life of a 30-year-old woman (played by Menen), who challenges stereotypes in a small town riddled with antiquity.
Says the show’s producer Swapna Dutta, “Srimathi’s journey is a celebration of determination, resilience, and the unbreakable bonds of family. With a fresh and unconventional plot, Kumari Srimathi explores the intricacies of the domestic households, breaking the norms of society, and nurturing personal aspirations, all while taking the audience on an emotional and entertaining roller coaster. Firmly rooted in culture with strong familial bonds at the forefront, we are confident that the viewers will find relatability in the characters and the hilarity and enjoy the show as much as we did while filming it.”