For one who seeks, do not peek. They stand for themselves and take their side while moving ahead. Vishujeet Thakur is one such soul, who for the love of his passion and knowing what’s better for his heart, moved ahead, took a step and finally entered a world where all he found was ways to challenge himself every day. His vision was clear, and so was his idea to be a Digital Marketeer. He knew his path well, and for discovering new, he was ready to set in the journey of far. At the age of 19, this young lad from Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, took a step up from the bike rides towards the flight of his dreams, his passion and made sure no boundary can stop or get him diverted.
For one who dreams big, doesn’t care about the small restrictive boundaries. They just move ahead in the line of interest and take the opportunities to stand amidst the crowd. Vishujeet did the same; he used internet gifts and started learning from early childhood. He was involved in the research of in-depth and the unlimited which could open up the possibilities much better and of farther. His curious nature ensured him to grab the best on the way and take care of rest in the lane. He learnt and learnt, through internet, blogs, YouTube and anything which can provide him with the knowledge of what he seeks. His mind has been a place for abundance, and he knew where to keep what. From everything it stored, all he wanted was to implement it practically, and this is what made him sit on the system for long hours and try to keep up with the pace.
He knew, for what he wished to be a part of, wasn’t easy, but wait, what exactly is easy in this world? Vishujeet loved to read, discover the new and keep up with the trend of the outer world. He valued others’ time more than his and gave them the piece of advice which they deserved to learn.
“My family wasn’t that fascinated by my acts. They knew, and something had no clue what exactly was I doing and keeping up with, but slowly they accepted me and my dedication towards this field. I didn’t need to be master but for sure wanted to learn it all and this is how my journey began and proceeded till date, happy and satisfied,” said Vishujeet when asked about how exactly this proceeded towards the platform which seems easy for users but is as much complicated as it can be, behind the curtains?
“Risks are everywhere but for the ones who got to do, just needs to do.” Acceptance isn’t what they ask for. All they need is a confirmation of their mind, and this is how Vishujeet moved ahead and ensured that his risk-taking attitude always guided him towards the best. Even when he fell, he knew what went wrong and was always ready to move ahead for his fight. He made falling down the charm and assured to not give up ever.
Vishujeet always has been a soul of motivation and leadership. People who approach do receive the right piece of advice. They know his potential, and this is why this young head has been a successful digital marketeer, showing a path and guiding all. For all the people around, he says, “Why wonder why he succeeded and not just keep doing your wonderful task? The chance of success is much more in the latter for who knows how to move ahead and one must always do so, irrespective of the failure around.”
Failure isn’t harmful unless you let it affect your soul: Digital Marketeer Vishujeet Thakur
In conversation with Vishujeet Thakur