Permanent Roommates is an Indian web series created by The Viral Fever (TVF) and Biswapati Sarkar. This series revolves around a young couple, Tanya and Mikesh, who after being in a long distance relationship for 3 years, faces the prospect of marriage.
Sumeet Vyas plays the role of Mikesh Chaudhary and Tanya Nagpal is played by Nidhi Singh.
Tanya and Mikesh is an ideal couple because, at every stage of their relationship, they respected each other’s views, rather than forcing their own decisions. Moreover, a good illustration of this can be found in the case where one wanted to get married and the other one understood the reasons.
This couple is, without a doubt, one of the best on-screen couples.
Their trust and faith in each other is what kept them going.
Even after lots of ups and downs in their life, they both were together and were there for each other, which made their love and relationship stronger.
Sumeet Vyas and Nidhi Singh’s love kept the fans engaged in the show and their beautiful chemistry impressed a lot of fans.
We bring you some of their beautiful and cute moments.
Have a look at some of their moments of togetherness that are a testimony to their on-screen chemistry.
Have a look and do let us know how you like them.
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