Amazon miniTV – The free video streaming service from Amazon had recently announced their latest youth drama, Campus Beats. With excitement and anticipation levels high amongst audiences to catch the upbeat show set in the backdrop of a college, Amazon miniTV released the high-octane trailer of the awaited teen drama. Set in a prestigious dance institution, drama unfolds when some students join the college through a welfare program i.e the BGs thereby striking new friendships, igniting rivalry with existing students i.e OG’s, and experiencing an array of emotions across love, romance, relationships, passion, and more.
The trailer opens up with dance-offs in the college, showcasing the outstanding talent of the The Ruthless’ MAD Dance Troupe, known for their supreme dancing prowess. With besties Ishaan and Rihanna leading the talented pack of the troupe, sparks fly when Netra, a student from the welfare program experiences the culture shock as her days go by in the academy. The drama unfolds as Netra finds love and solace in Ishaan – a member from the OG faction. The trailer takes a riveting turn into Netra stumbling upon secrets surrounding the mysterious circumstances surrounding her father’s death.
Commenting on being a part of the series, actor, Shantanu Maheshwari remarked, “It’s been such an exciting and enriching experience working on this project. Campus Beats in its truest sense celebrates talent that lies within each one of us and how it not only takes us places but empowers every individual in the best way possible. It’s a celebration of passion and dance coming together. Watching the show, audiences may go back in time recalling their days in college and resonate with the story all the more. So yes, I am looking forward to seeing everyone’s response, it’s been made with a lot of love.”
The riveting series premieres on Amazon miniTV from 21st September 2023, marking the platform’s debut into the long format series which will keep the viewers gripped by the show. Helmed by Palki Malhotra, the dance series features Shantanu Maheshwari, Shruti Sinhaa, Sahaj Singh Chahal, Tanvi Gadkari, Harsh Dingwanii, Tanya Bhushan, Dhanshree Yadav, Teriya Magar, Adnan Khan, and Rohan Pal in pivotal roles.