Ashish Chanchlani, one of the biggest digital stars of India is gearing up for his directorial debut with an upcoming series. Ashish will showcase his multifaceted talent by not only directing but also acting, writing, and producing the same. Fans are eagerly awaiting this exciting new chapter in Ashish’s career as he transitions into a new role. Recently, he shared a major update on the project, revealing that he has wrapped up the shooting schedule and can’t wait to show how funny and spooky the project (show) is.

Sharing the update on his project, Ashish revealed, “That’s a wrap on our biggest project, and trust me, it’s scarier than your electricity bill and funnier than my life decisions! We’ve put our heart, soul, and a lot of screams (and laughs) into this one. Can’t wait to spook you and crack you up at the same time coming soon on YouTube!”

“Can't-Wait to Spook You”- Ashish Chanchlani Celebrates Wrap of His Highly Anticipated Directorial Debut Series! 933978

Ashish Chanchlani recently revealed the captivating first-look poster for his upcoming horror-comedy series, featuring shadowy figures holding lanterns, suggesting a supernatural storyline and multiple actors. Exclusively to release on the ACV Studios YouTube Channel, This sneak peek of ACV Studios’ return has generated significant buzz, fueling excitement and anticipation among fans for this highly anticipated venture.

Ashish Chanchlani’s journey illustrates his impressive evolution over the years. His consistent efforts to introduce fresh ideas have been evident in his work. It will be exciting to see this new side of Ashish, especially considering how remarkable his past work has been.