Actress Sneha Singh Sisodia recently garnered attention with her portrayal of Sujata in the web series “Oh My Wife!”, which was recently released on Watcho Exclusives. The gripping thriller, also starring Mudasir Bhatt and Lokesh Batta in pivotal roles, has not only earned praise for its suspenseful storyline but also for the stellar performances.
Now, Sneha Singh Sisodia has shared insights about a particular scene that captured everyone’s interest – the fight sequence. She disclosed that she independently designed the fight sequence, adding a personal touch to it.
“We’d planned a day to shoot the fight sequence, and had appointed a Fight Master for the same. However, unfortunately, the Fight Master couldn’t turn up, and we decided to perform it on our own, certainly with a lot of precautions, guidance and supervision,” Sneha shared.
She added, “I took the charge of choreographing the sequence on my own, as I had performed fight sequences in my previous projects as well. While I had a bit of experience, it was completely new for my co-star. I briefed her and helped her in understanding the nitty-gritties of a fight sequence. We gave our shot, and everyone applauded our efforts. Pulling off the sequence without a fight master was challenging, but we managed to put our best foot forward.”
Sneha plays the role of Sujata, the wife of forensic expert Vivek, played by actor Mudasir Bhatt. While Sujata is a housewife, there’s something she is hiding from her husband that adds depth and twists to the series.
When asked Sneha what made her say yes to the role, Sneha shared, “I have never played a housewife on screen, so when I was first offered the role, I was a bit sceptical. It’s something out of my comfort zone, as I have a sporty personality. I kept thinking, if I would be able to justify the character or not. But the character arc was beautifully defined and I knew I had to take this up. I’d agree it was a challenging task for me, but the story and characterization caught my attention.”
Revealing how she prepped up for the character, and who’s her inspiration, Sneha said, “Before performing on screen, I get into the skin of the character, understanding the character completely. From her likes, dislikes to her reactions to different setups, I immerse myself into the role, and start living the character’s life; and this is what I did for Sujata’s character as well.”
“I did not take inspiration from anyone or anywhere. I have a theatre background, so I adapt the personality of the character easily. I prepare with my vision and imagination of the character, and ensure to add my own touch to any character I play,” she concluded.
Oh My Wife!, written, and directed by Shaurya Singh, is a suspenseful thriller featuring Mudasir Bhatt, Lokesh Batta, Sneha Singh Sisodia, and Deepanshi N Shakya in pivotal roles. The Watcho Exclusives series revolves around Vivek, a skilled forensic expert, navigating personal turmoil amid a high-profile murder case. Balancing professional challenges and personal conflicts, Vivek faces a twist when suspicions arise about his wife. The series keeps viewers on edge, raising the question: Is Vivek’s wife hiding something sinister, or is the killer someone else entirely? The gripping narrative unfolds with suspense, keeping audiences guessing until the very end.
‘Oh My Wife!’ is streaming on Watcho.