Hone Laga Tumse Pyar, featuring Siddharth Nigam and Avneet Kaur earned a colossal response from Sidneet fans. Following Avneet’s absence from the show Aladdin, Sidneet fans have been waiting forever to watch the two back on screen.
And putting an end to the wait, Hone Laga Tumse Pyar got released, and since then the video has earned a huge amount of views and likes so far. The stars, Siddharth Nigam and Avneet Kaur have been hitting headlines ever since, as well.
Speaking of that, Siddharth Nigam recently shared a second vlog on his channel from the sets of Hone Laga Tumse Pyar. In one part of the video, we could see Avneet Kaur standing beside a shirtless Siddharth Nigam, taking bath!
Here take a look-