Bhuvan Bam is one of the most sensational personalities in the social media scene. His presence on the Indian YouTube scenario is evident and visible. He is more or less the ‘Godfather’ of the scene. He has turned himself from a scrawny looking young man into a fashionable and hip personality that needs to be watched out for. This transformation happened over the last 5 years. It seemed more or less impossible to perceive in the beginning, but Bhuvan’s grit and determination made it happen.
Another by-product of Bhuvan’s grit and determination is his latest conquests in the field of stand-up comedy. He is absolutely incredible. He has been monumental in the scene. With his YouTube channel capable of drawing in almost thousands of people at a time, he has made his point. His success as a YouTuber has slowly carried forward to his stand up comedy career. And, it’s no surprise that he has pulled the rug out from under us, with yet another amazing display of talent such as this.
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