Cheesecake is a series by The Viral Fever (TVF) that features a young couple dealing with personal issues, a fast city life that keeps going back to a time when things were easier, a close look at adulting in the modern day, and between all this, a sweet and pawfectly adorable dog.

The series stars Jitendra Kumar and Akanksha Thakur as couple Neel and Sameera. They are so busy in their work lives that they have forgotten to love each other. With all the falls in their relationships, suddenly a lost dog enters their space, and things automatically seem brighter and more sorted. Cheesecake, a lost Golden Retriever, comes home with Sameera.

The series banks on cute, lovable situations featuring a dog, to reel in viewers. TVF has worked with less and delivered more before. However, in Cheesecake, paying homage to pets for redemption is its main glitch. Nevertheless, if you are a pet lover, this series is for you!

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