Detective Mangloo Vs Seedhe Ji: Rate Bhuvan Bam’s Best Act?

Bhuvan Bam and his YouTube channel have given us so many brilliant characters over the years. Two of those iconic characters, Detective Mangloo and Seedhe Ji. So, let us know in the comments whom you prefer.

Detective Mangloo Vs Seedhe Ji: Rate Bhuvan Bam's Best Act?

Bhuvan Bam and his entire YouTube channel and his videos are something else altogether. They struck us first way back in 2015. And, now in 2020, they are still just as funny. Bhuvan and his hilarious sense of humor is not the only thing that is responsible for this immense success that he is experiencing. It is also the deeply entrenched character study that he does before making any of his characters. He is an amazing and successful individual because of his incredible characters.

One of his characters is, Detective Mangloo. A traditional character in the sense of comedic characters. With a detective who has a certain eccentric trait that makes him behave in a certain way that makes it harder for him to investigate things happening around him. Kind of like the iconic, Jacques Cousteau. Detective Mangloo has made himself rise through the ranks with amazing popularity because of how famed and incredibly well perceived he has been.

And, on the other hand, we have Seedhe Ji. A more abstract and simple character. Which in terms of a comedic standpoint is hard for someone to nail. This character is iconic for its own reasons. But, most important out of them is the fact that it’s a very simple character. A character that is very simple and uncomplicated on the surface can be very hard to make funny. Of course, it is the gift that the writer possesses. So, that is why we believe that Seedhe Ji is also just as iconic as Detective Mangloo.

Now, the decision lies with you, which one of these do you prefer? Let us know in the comments.